Under the name ‘Frequentie Strijp S’, residents and business owners there will open their doors on Sunday 14 September.
This Open Day is organized to enable the inhabitants of the city to see for themselves how the site of the old Natlab has been transformed into a vibrant place for both living and working in recent years.
Formerly, housing-association and owner Trudo had organized all kinds of activities to draw attention to the area. This time the organization will be in the hands of the residents and business owners themselves.
They want to show people the way they live and work on Strijp S. For example, visitors can take a look in buildings that normally are not open to the public. They can visit the rooftop terraces of the buildings ‘Anton’ and ‘Gerard’, but also several companies and small businesses.
‘Frequentie Strijp S’ should become an annual event. Its name refers to the radio, one of the first products that Philips developed and manufactured at Strijp S.
Source: Studio040