TU/e climbs in sustainability ranking

TU/e has climbed to 4th place in ‘SustainaBul’, the student prize for sustainability. This is one place higher than in 2013. Leading the top 5 are Wageningen University and HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, followed by Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, TU/e and Radboud University Nijmegen.

Compared with 2013 TU/e has made particular progress in its waste handling. It also scores highly in the links between its education and research with industry. However, there is still room for improvement, for example in generating its own energy, the energy-efficiency of its ICT and by starting-up a Green Office.

The sustainability ranking is organized by the national student network for a sustainable future ‘Morgen’ (Tomorrow). A total of 22 universities and higher education institutes took part. Morgen assesses the educational institutes on the sustainability of their education, research and overall management. The ranking focuses not only on sustainability, but also on their transparency on these aspects: institutes have to demonstrate their sustainability to Morgen.

SustainaBul shows students, policy-makers and management which institutes are the leaders and which are lagging behind in integrating the theme of sustainability. In this way Morgen aims to bring about a change of mentality in higher education, so institutes will increase their own efforts to become sustainable. Reviewing the questionnaire also helps educational institutes to look critically their own performance.

TU/e is pleased with its higher position in the ranking. "This increase shows that our policy is delivering results", says Jo van Ham on behalf of the Executive Board. "We also intend to learn from the jury report. It’s a good thing to keep a close eye on our own performance, and to constantly review the areas where we can make further improvements."

Source: www.tue.nl

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