LPF: ‘Withdraw permit Turkish party accommodation’

LPF (List Pim Fortuyn) has asked for a withdrawal of the permit given out to a Turkish party accommodation, at the industrial zone De Tempel in Woensel. LPF is upset about the course of events surrounding this particular accommodation.

According to LPF chairman Rudy Reker, city council has knowingly held back negative comments from residents in the area, to make sure the accommodation would actually be put into use.A maximum of a thousand visitors would be able to use the accommodation during weekends, which would actually be the second one at this industrial zone.Chairman Rudy Reker stated that the municipal district coordinator and De Tempel’s local police officer have also advised against the opening. However, this advice was not followed by city council. Reker still finds that city council should withdraw the permit for the second party accommodation.

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