‘Building Eindhoven as a city of knowledge together’, that is the name of the covenant signed by the city council and eight other parties on Tuesday morning. All those involved share a joint goal of developing Eindhoven as a student city in Brainport. The main goals will be more housing and increasing student’s connection with the city. 1500 new student accommodations should be built by 2020.
The parties involved are named as: Eindhoven city council, TU/e, Fontys, Summa College, Vestide, Trudo, real estate ‘Belang’ and students. In order for Eindhoven to maintain a leading position as a knowledge region, and be able to stimulate economic development as well as technical and social innovation it is important to have a steady stream of talent from the university, the college and the vocational schools. A good housing climate will help students to stay in the region for longer. A total estimate of 850 (mainly international) students is expected to live in Eindhoven by 2020. The other 650 student accommodations are destined for students who now live at home or in other cities. It is these students that the parties hope to draw to Eindhoven. Source: http://www.dichtbij.nl/eindhoven/wonen/artikel/2635822/