Local scholars win prestigious award

Stijn Nowee and Wouter Witteman of the Van Maerlantlyceum in Eindhoven have won a prestigious national award with a smart flashing light installation.

They won the KNAW (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) Education prize in the Nature and Technology category. That is a prize for the best high school projects. In total, nearly 350 pieces of work were submitted.

Stijn and Wouter did a project on lighting which helps reduce traffic accidents involving cyclists. They have already developed the lighting. Earlier, they explained to Studio040 how their innovation works.

Wouter van Dijk and Joris Veldhuizen of the Geldrop Strabrecht College came second in the same category. Their work explained the research for a neural network that can recognise handwritten characters. Rens Hoogendorp and Lorens Niehof of the Christiaan Huygens College in Eindhoven took second place, in the Nature and Health category. The pair examined whether a lower leg prosthesis for disabled athletes could be manufactured more cheaply.

Source: www.studio040.nl

Translator: Bob

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