80th anniversary of liberation in the region: what to do

80th anniversary of liberation in the region: this is what to do
Photo credit: Frank van Dijk/Studio040

On 18 September, Eindhoven celebrates the 80th anniversary of liberation after World War II. The surrounding regions were also liberated around that time and organise various activities, commemorations and parties.


In Eindhoven, the parade is being revamped. Instead of one parade on Stadhuisplein, six routes will be going to different neighbourhoods at the same time that day.


Nuenen was liberated on 20 September. On that day, the municipality will celebrate the liberation in Café Schafrath. Veterans, American soldiers and 17 relatives of allied soldiers who died in the war will be welcomed to the village. The liberation flame will be collected and the commemoration will continue at the monument on Europalaan. The commemoration and celebration will conclude with a performance by the band of the 101st Airborne Division.

Various other things will also be organised for the commemoration. On 14 September, there will be a tour with 200 historical military vehicles. On 16 and 17 September, in Café Schaffrat,  Chief Inspector Tony Mouw  will give a lecture about the invasion of the German army and journalist Alfred van Cleef will speak about the hiding place in Nune Ville. On 18 September, four stained glass windows will be unveiled, which were donated by a group of repatriates to the residents of Nuenen as a thank you for the hospitality during their return from Germany.

Finally, a special ‘liberation route’ has been organised on 21 and 22 September. The cycling and walking route passes a number of locations that played a role during the Second World War and during the liberation.


Best was only liberated on 24 October. That day is commemorated in the Koetshuistuin. During this ceremony, plaques will be unveiled with the names of the 171 British who died. Money was raised for this last year by the Schots Monument Best.


Geldrop was liberated on 19 September and Mierlo on 22 September. The municipality is organising a special ceremony at the British field of honour, in collaboration with Stichting De Drie Harten from Geldrop and the Oranje Comité Mierlo. A column of the Liberation Task Force makes a stop at this commemoration during the liberation route through the southeast of the Netherlands.

In the months of September and October, there will be an exhibition of photos and uniforms from the Second World War in the library of Eindhoven. The exhibition focuses on the liberation of the village.

This year, the Freedom Run has new walking routes: The Liberty Walk. The walking routes are named after local resistance fighters; Henri van der Putt (4 miles), a commemorative walk through the centre along monuments; Harrie van Gestel (8 miles), a walk from Geldrop towards Mierlo; and Jan Heurkens (10 miles), a longer walk between Geldrop-Mierlo.

Son en Breugel

Son en Breugel was liberated on 17 September, when the official commemoration takes place. But the municipality is going all out for the 80th anniversary of liberation, with many activities planned. These start on 13 September.

On 13 September, the centre is transformed into a party area. On the specially combined event square, four stages are ready for a special show that lasts five hours.

Oranjeveld/Oranjestraat will be transformed into Camp Liberty Son from 14 September to 19 September. Visitors can see what life was like for American and German soldiers behind the front lines. The camp has a field hospital, mobile workshop and radio station, among other things.

On 14 September, there will be a festival on the event square between the church and the town hall, with DJs and headlines from major national festivals.

On 16 September, Round Canopy Parachute Team Netherlands will drop three loads of parachutists, next to Airborneweg in Sonniuswijk. After each drop, parachutists will be picked up at Eindhoven Airport.

On 17 September, the official liberation celebration of the municipality will take place. At the Parachutist monument on Europalaan, the municipality is organising the official celebration in the presence of the 101st Airborne Division, at the pond near Europalaan.

An overview of all other activities can be found on the website.


Just like Eindhoven, Waalre was liberated on 18 September. On Friday, 13 September, the municipality is organising a freedom celebration in Huis van Waalre.

Martijn Docters from The Hornemann Huis foundation will give a lecture about his two second cousins ​​who did not survive the war. Raimondo Bogaars from heritage foundation Erfgoed 40-45 will also give a lecture – about the liberation of Waalre and its aftermath.

The municipality is also organising a photo competition. Residents of Waalre can submit a photo about what freedom means to them. The five photos with the most beautiful meaning will be exhibited in Huis van Waalre. The photos can be submitted until 31 March, 2025.

For more information: 80 jaar bevrijding in regio Eindhoven | RegioRadar Eindhoven

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob


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