Asml Marathon – tickets almost soldout after a month


In the first month of entries for the ASML Marathon Eindhoven, thousands of runners have already secured a starting spot. The full marathon is particularly popular: 75 per cent of the available starting tickets for this leg are already sold out. The organisation reports this on its website.

Marathon Eindhoven

The ASML Marathon has an international character with several top athletes at the start. Participants come from more than 30 countries and several hundred athletes from the region attend.

Belgian Championship

The Belgian Marathon Championship will also be decided on the streets of Eindhoven. It is for the eighth time that Eindhoven will be the setting for this race.


The half marathon is also in demand. There, 50 per cent of the starting tickets have already been sold. ‘The ASML Marathon Eindhoven has grown in recent years into one of the biggest running events in our country,’ says Wilbert Lek, director ASML Marathon Eindhoven. ‘The fact that so many participants are already going to attend the anniversary edition shows that Eindhoven is a real running city!’


Translated by: Anitha Sevugan

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