In the Eindhoven region, there are many more police officers, enforcers, ambulance workers and firefighters on the move during the turn of the year this year. “We are prepared for the uncertainty, and have even scaled up”, says John Jorritsma, chairman of the Safety Region.
According to Jorritsma, it is ‘groping in the dark’ this year. After all: there is a fireworks ban, and there are strict corona rules. “We don’t know what will happen. But we are not naive. Many people are fed up with the measures, and are looking for entertainment during the turn of the year. And we cannot use that kind of entertainment now. Especially now that the hospitals are already so burdened.”
According to Jorritsma, the priority lies in safeguarding public order and protecting healthcare workers. “We cannot have vandals taking over the neighbourhoods.” The third priority is adhering to the corona rules.
This year is also strictly enforced on the fireworks ban. Anyone who is going to make a splash at New Year’s Eve will be fined or arrested. Jorritsma: “We don’t go after every firecracker, but anyone who deliberately ignores the ban has a lick-and-go policy.”
Source: Studio040
Translator: Shufei