Dutch Design Foundation’s choices for SXSW 2019

Photo credit: Dutch Design Foundation

From 8 to 17 March, six innovative Dutch designers and collectives will present their vision of the future at the 2019 SXSW Conference & Festivals (SXSW) in Austin, Texas.

New Dutch Wave and the Dutch Design Foundation curated this selection based on their impact, innovation, experiment and originality. Dutch designers, Bas Timmer and Dave Hakkens, will share their projects. Bas focuses on the welfare of homeless people and refugees, while Dave is concerned with the reuse of plastic.

Dave is a Design Academy Eindhoven graduate. He combines social empowerment and recycling in his global ‘Precious Plastic’ project. He is continuing this movement by cooperating with a concept developer and 25 Texas University students. Together, they sweep one of SXSW’s top locations clean. All the plastic waste will immediately be transformed into saleable products.

Helping the homeless

Bas designed the ‘Sheltersuit’, an upcycled water and windproof coat that doubles as a sleeping bag. It has been distributed to no fewer than 5.100 refugees and homeless people worldwide. This design won him a Dutch Design Award in 2017. At SXSW, Bas will launch a new product: the Urban Safety Kit. This addition to the suit comprises tools to improve the user’s medical and social safety.

There will also be a stand in which the Stichting Nieuwe Helden (New Heroes Foundation), Krown-Design, and DDF will collaborate called the Growing Pavilion (as seen in the photo). This pavilion is the successor of the award-winning People’s Pavilion, entirely made from borrowed materials. This time the ambition is to develop a structure fully from biomaterial. It will be launched at Dutch Design Week 2019, but SXSW visitors will be given a sneak peak.

Electronic music producer, Chagall and Fillip Studios project will be on show at this year’s SXSW. Chagall controls all the electronic sounds, effects, and visual projections in her live performance with gloves embedded with sensors. Kozie, a Tom Kortbeek and Roos Meerman project will also be showcased. This project is an interactive tapestry which invites you to touch it. By doing so, you create a lively piece of music.

Music and film

Another combination of image and sound can be found with Symphonic Cinema. This presentation consists of famous classic works of music linked to matching dramatic feature films. The underlying story of the composition determined the theme for the films. Producers and Directors Wim Lehnhausen, Dik van der Stroom. and Lucas van Woerkum will give a lecture on this project.

Source and photos: Dutch Design Foundation

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