The municipality of Eindhoven and het Summa College are setting out to collaborate better. To re-enforce this renewed effort a statement of intent was signed Wednesday afternoon.
The big picture being that the intention is to better manage and thus reduce the gap between supply and demand in the job market. To name an example, logistics is a sector with a shortage in candidates but on the other side not all school leavers are able to find a job. The aim of the new collaboration is to change this situation from happening.
The College and the municipality will stimulate each other to make improvements. The municipality for example can ensure better housing close to companies. And the Summa College could encourage more students to choose to study for a course which includes a job guarantee, such as logistics.
The statement also addresses the extra attention which is needed for students who are not of a Dutch background. The children of migrants need more assistance with the Dutch language in some areas.
Children of expats must be able to study in Eindhoven at an international course or school both parties have agreed. At present this it is not at all possible for an expat or international child to study at college level such as het Summa College since these are taught in Dutch and the level of Dutch is too high for this group.
The municipality and het Summa College want to have the option to replace this criteria of Dutch at a high level with the criteria to write and speak English at a high level for some of the courses
These efforts would allow the children of English speaking tech workers to study in Eindhoven. At the same token Dutch nationals can study in an international environment as a preparation for studies abroad.
Source: Studio040
Translator: Jennifer den Dekker