The Kamer van Koophandel Ondernemersplein (Chamber of Commerce Entrepreneurs’ platform) is a place where meetings will be held for entrepreneurs and products and services will be provided by partner organizations to entrepreneurs.
A lot of information is already at the entrepreneurs’ disposal digitally, but certain matters still need personal contact and identification. They can now be organized faster and more efficiently in one place.
On 26 November, the Kamer van Koophandel (KvK) opened four more Ondernemerspleinen where entrepreneurs can find all kinds of services under one roof. Rotterdam already offered the Ondernemersplein service, but now Amsterdam, Arnhem, Groningen and Eindhoven offer the service as well.
National partner organizations are Belastingdienst (Tax Authority), Stichting Ondernemersklankbord (Entrepreneurial Sounding Board Foundation), Qredits (lender to entrepreneurs), UWV(organization responsible for the implementation of social regulations) and Octrooicentrum Nederland (Netherlands Patent Office). The KvK has several regional partners as well.
The Ondernemersplein is located in the KvK building.
Source: Eindhoven Dichtbij – Photo: KvK