Today the Parktheater is celebrating its 50th Anniversary. This very special event will be celebrated throughout the theatre season with festive activities.
The first of which is the Jubilee exhibition, being opened today with a 50-metre long cake. In addition, there are fifty days of free activities on the PleinPubliek programme. Current director, Giel Pastoor is excited about it all. ‘It has only just begun. I think that we’ll be celebrating for an entire year, and after that, we’ll just carry on.’
The exhibition is about the past, present and future. There are interviews with theatre-makers about their vision for the future of theatre, as well as a chance to hear many memories from past visitors. All of these stores can be watched/listened to during the exhibition.
The former Stadsschouwburg in Eindhoven was opened in 1964, in the presence of the then Princess Beatrix. It was given the Parktheater name in 1995, after the City Council approved the plans for renovating the existing building and adding a new building. From 2005 to 2007, the theatre was completely renovated and further expanded with the construction of the Philipszaal.
Source: Studio040