23 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Language issue at Eindhoven University of Technologyn

TU/e language letter leads to council questions

The LPF political party (List Pim Fortuyn) has asked the council questions in response to the letter that was circulating at Technical University Eindhoven...

Platform Disability Policy test city on accessibility

The Disability Policy Platform Eindhoven (PGE) is visiting shops and restaurants in the city to test their accessibility to the disabled public.  Entrepreneurs in town...

DOCfeed Eindhoven attracts 2500 visitors

Documentary festival DOCfeed attracted a crowd of over 2500 visitors this weekend at the TAC in Eindhoven. Many of the documentary makers were also present...

Win free tickets to Brabantsedag

Brabant is gearing up for the biggest annual gala, the Brabantsedag. This Sunday, Heeze will transform into a colourful conviviality. If you want free...