4.4 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Tech & Play Kids Festival

Beursgebouw Lardinoisstraat 10, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Tech & Play Kids Festival in the ‘Beursgebouw’ Eindhoven offers a whole variety of engaging activities for 4 to 12 years old (and their (grand)parents). A day full of technology innovation. A place where you can experiment and learn together. And have lots of fun along the way! Tickets cost €2 for children as well […]


RAISING Multilingual children

Bibliotheek Eindhoven Emmasingel 22, Eindhoven, Netherlands

International families have some particular challenges. One of them is raising multilingual children. Mums & Toddlers in Eindhoven (the expat community) brings you two experts on the subject, Dr. Irem Bezcioğlu and Joie Yen. Dr. Irem Bezcioğlu is an expert on multilingual education, and a project coordinator at SECMO-Foundation for education, culture and migration research. […]


Poetry & Art Performance by Burning Blood at the Witte Dame

Bibliotheek Eindhoven Emmasingel 22, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Invited by the Witte Dame library for a performance during the 'National Week of Poetry', the Burning Blood group will present English poems accompanied by international musicians around the themes of lost longings, wounded desires & reflections on roots & reality. Poetry-Carola Eijsenring Didgeridoo-Erik Deckert Guitar-Mohsen Mehrafrouz Hang drum-The Owl in The City Santoro-Nobahar Arian […]


Online Art Project: Remote Graffiti

What is the impact of our dreams on our daily lives? How are people dreaming today? Dreaming is a way to escape from reality! Sharing our dreams, bringing all of our emotions together. But what if we ‘’allow’’ dreamers to narrate their dreams in public? Let’s find out and let's create dreams now! Marina Provatidou […]


AGORA Workshop: Existentialism

Bibliotheek Eindhoven Emmasingel 22, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Existentialism: What constraints drive your choices? Existentialist therapy stipulates that our choices as human beings are made on the basis of our desires. When our choices come up against existential constraints, this generates anxiety. The constraints as defined in existentialism are: Responsibility The quest for meaning in the face of the absurd Mortality Perfection and […]



Weekly Dutch lessons at the Library: changed to online lessons during Corona

Bibliotheek Eindhoven Emmasingel 22, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Learn to speak Dutch while putting it into practice, that’s the idea behind the Language Café. Is it still difficult for you to have a conversation? Do you like practicing with others? Everyone will practice talking about different subjects in small groups (max. 5) and a volunteer. In an informal ambiance, without the pressure of […]

Library webinar: Your Healthy Garden in 7 steps

How would it be when you could harvest from you’re garden without creating a vegetable garden? Or would you like a garden which attracts more birds, bees and butterflies? The summer holidays are over, but stil you can enjoy you’re garden and be outside. You have probably spent the last months more at home and […]


Introduction to 3D for animation

Bibliotheek Eindhoven Emmasingel 22, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Wouldn’t it be great to create a 3D model? Maybe you already know something about it, so … Wouldn’t it even be better to make it move and look alive? To animate any 3D model you must FIRST understand the four steps involved in the process: Modeling Rendering Rigging Animation All of them are interconnected […]


Elements of success (especially in a multi-cultural environment)

Bibliotheek Eindhoven Emmasingel 22, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Have you been frustrated or feeling you have no progress at work or any other situation in life? Are you wondering how you could turn it around and be successful again? Do you want to prepare for the next step/level? Let's find the highway again and get back in flow. This session is presented by […]


Presentation skills: showing them and improving them

Bibliotheek Eindhoven Emmasingel 22, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Do you need to present on a regular basis? In this session by Hamid Amir-Ahmadi and Christ Schippers, The Perfect Combination, you can get the tips and tricks to impress your audience. Hamid Amir-Ahmadi Hamid has a Ph.D. from Groningen University. He has worked at ASML for more than 11 years, where he as a […]
