Residents to shape future of city’s ring road redevelopment

The municipality of Eindhoven is inviting residents to participate in the redevelopment of the city’s ring road. With numerous developments occurring within the ring road, car traffic will need to make way for other forms of transport.

To improve accessibility, the city council plans to divide Eindhoven into four sectors, prohibiting car traffic between them. Cars will need to use the ring road, while walking, cycling, and public transport will remain viable options between sectors. This also applies to emergency services.

The goal is to minimise car traffic in the city centre, creating more space for housing and public areas like parks and squares. Consequently, the ring road will see increased car traffic.

The exact traffic planning details are still undecided. The mayor and aldermen are seeking input from residents through a municipal survey to understand their priorities. This feedback will help the municipal council, which will approve the plans in May, to align with the city’s needs.

The traffic circulation plan (VCP) is part of the previously adopted Mobility Master Plan, aimed at addressing the region’s accessibility issues.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Seetha

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