Geldrop-Mierlo sets aside €1,700,000 for refugee reception

Photo credit: Geldrop Mierlo

The Municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo is setting aside €1,700,000 for the reception of refugees. Mayor and Aldermen write that. Earlier, the council announced its intention to house 300 asylum seekers.

This is a municipal reserve pot. This money comes on top of the budget Geldrop-Mierlo receives from The Hague and COA (Centraal Orgaan Opvang Asielzoekers, central agency for the reception of asylum seekers) should an asylum seekers’ centre be realised. The Mayor and Aldermen want to use the money to make preparations and recruit a project manager, should a reception centre be built.

According to the municipal council, the reserve pot can easily be used to respond to new developments and wishes within refugee reception. It would also make it easier to absorb unforeseen costs.


In the summer of last year, the municipal council wrote that it was looking for space for 300 asylum seekers, for a period of at least ten years. It expressed a preference for one location, as this would lead to less burden on the systems of education, care and day care. Yet conversations with residents and business owners, among others, last autumn showed that residents prefer several small-scale reception locations.

Within a year, the municipality hopes to have realised the shelters. While searching for new larger locations, the council wants to phase out the temporary reception for minor asylum seekers in Akert and the emergency accommodation for Ukrainian refugees.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Bob

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