Best has chosen location for asylum seekers’ centre

Photo credit: Studio040

The municipality of Best has chosen a location for a new asylum seekers’ centre (azc) in the village. The mayor and aldermen do not yet want to disclose the location yet.

For months, several locations have been mapped out for the reception of almost 200 asylum seekers. So a location has been chosen. The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) is now investigating whether that location is suitable. If the COA is expected to issue advice this month, the municipal council will decide whether the place will be definitively designated as an asylum seekers’ centre location.


The asylum seekers’ centre should have been open for five years. So far, Best has not offered structural shelter to asylum seekers.

The municipal council announced last year that it preferred one location, because the COA would then arrange more itself around the shelter, such as 24-hour security. The municipal council also stated that the shelter should not be too close to residential areas, but also not too far from facilities. Furthermore, the opening of an asylum shelter should not stand in the way of housing plans in the village.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Kirti Singh

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