Story of Diny (84) and her home care worker goes viral

Care, elderly, hospitals, seniors, nursing homes
Photo credit: Bibliotheek Eindhoven/Studio040

Diny, the 84-year-old woman suffering from incipient dementia who is cared for at home by Kim, who has no medical training, is causing quite a stir. Since Studio040 broke the story on Friday, it has been received with mixed reactions.

The article reports on a new project by ZuidZorg. This involves employing people as home care workers who do not have the necessary qualifications to work as regular home care workers. This way, there is more capacity and the elderly can live at home for longer.

For cheerful 84-year-old Diny, it is a godsend: she loves her home support worker, Kim, who in turn is very happy with her position. Mainly because she has more time to do other things with Diny, like take her to the garden centre.

Ditch the regulations

A small majority of the answers are positive. One woman who responded says she enjoys reading. Ditch all these regulations, as long as old people are happy and can stay in their homes longer. Now that the population is ageing, other measures really need to be taken. An experienced expert also emailed. I myself already support elderly people who live either in pairs or alone. It is a beautiful, loving, caring, rewarding task: together you are strong. Without a diploma, I have been calling for so long.

However, there are those who feel that the project carries irresponsible risks. I really don’t think this is a good development. Health education is there for a reason,’ says one reader. She is joined by a woman who writes: ‘This seems like a nice solution at first, but using untrained staff with elderly, demented people is quite something! Don’t you find it extraordinary that so many people are suddenly willing to do this work?

Risk of theft.

According to one woman who responded, elderly people with a home care worker are at risk of being robbed. “One on one with people I think is irresponsible. Just think about managing bank cards, the right approach in treating clients and dealing with and caring for people -something certified carers spent three years in school for, with ongoing courses and e-learning! What is this country coming to”?

Diny from the Studio040 story is not worried. She doesn’t want to lose Kim for anything, she says at the end.


Translated by: Anitha Sevugan

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