Police raid phone shop on Tongelresestraat in Eindhoven

Scan car hands out 35. fines per month
Photo Credit: Studio040

On Monday, police raided a phone shop on Tongelresestraat in Eindhoven. This was done in cooperation with the German police.

Many officers were present during the search, which was carried out by the National Police Unit. Officers from the Forensic Investigation Unit were also involved, as well as a number of sniffer dogs. A number of cupboards and rooms were searched. The shop was also searched by a sniffer dog. The shopkeeper’s car was also searched.

A shopkeeper said the police had come with a search warrant. The raid is said to be related to the arrest of a German man who had just been in the shop on Tongelresestraat. The police reportedly confiscated at least one mobile phone.

Source: Studio040.nl

Translated by: Anitha Sevugan

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