Nuenen: 325 additional social rental homes

In five years, some 325 social housing units must have been built in Nuenen. That is one of the agreements made by the municipality, tenants’ organisations and corporations.

The parties promise to make an extra effort to free up extra staff to achieve the target of 325 extra homes. To achieve this, they will also try to accelerate the construction procedures.


Some projects will be given priority. These include the Vinkenhofjes , Oranjebuurt, Nuenen-West and Kloostertuin projects. If everything goes according to plan, corporations Helpt Elkander and Wooninc believe that half of the additional social housing will have been built in just over two years.

A small portion of the new homes is intended for the elderly, to enable them to continue living at home longer. This concerns approximately ten places.

Translated by Yawar Abbas

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