National recognition for Bert van Nuenense scouting club

Bert van de Meeberg receives the award from chairman Jeroen Janssen. creditScouting Rudyard Kipling
Bert van de Meeberg receives the award from chairman Jeroen Janssen. creditScouting Rudyard Kipling

Scouting Rudyard Kipling in Nuenen has presented a special award. Secretary Bert van de Meeberg received the Golden Fox, an appreciation sign from Scouting Netherlands, in recognition of his efforts as a volunteer.

According to chairman Jeroen Janssen, Van de Meeberg has made himself ‘indispensable’ in his ten years at the association. The initiative to nominate him for the Golden Fox came from several members, who thought it was high time to appreciate him for his efforts.

“Bert is a quiet force who always acts in the interest of the group. This award is more than deserved.” Van de Meeberg held positions as secretary, interim chairman and rental coordinator.


“I am very grateful for the appreciation, but scouting is something we do together,” Van de Meeberg responded. “Without your commitment and involvement, this would never have been possible.”

Translated by: Kirti Singh

Source: Studio040

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