The temporary asylum centre on Ekkersrijt has closed again. A former business premises on the industrial estate in Son served as a shelter for 200 refugees for half a year. The last asylum seekers left on Friday.
The Municipality of Son en Breugel responded to a call from The Hague to make room for shelters with the temporary shelter. The municipality also indicated last year that it would be a temporary shelter. This was also communicated to companies and residents in the area. The municipality would also like to stick to that agreement with Centraal Orgaan Opvang Asielzoekers (central agency for the reception of asylum seekers, COA).
Ekkersrijt housed 200 refugees from countries including Africa and Syria. According to the municipality, the stay was quiet, without any notable incidents. No complaints were received from companies in the area. “We are pleased with the understanding and cooperation of the surrounding companies and with the volunteers who worked for the asylum seekers”, a spokeswoman said.
The refugees have been moved to various shelters in the country. Ekkersrijt business premises are empty again. The municipality does not want to say whether there are currently plans to realise a similar shelter within the borders of Son en Breugel.
Source: Studio040
Translated by: Bob