Eindhoven grows by almost 3,000 inhabitants

Photo credit: Studio040

Eindhoven has grown by almost 3,000 residents in the past year. This is evident from figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS). According to the researchers, this increase is mainly due to ‘foreign migration’.

At the end of 2024, Eindhoven had almost 246,500 inhabitants. A year earlier, that was still more than 243,700. Of the ten largest cities in our country, Eindhoven grew the fastest, after Almere.


For years, many foreigners from all over the world have been coming to the Eindhoven region to work at one of the many hundreds of technology companies. Some of these newcomers are going to live in the city. For example, a large Indian community has emerged in Eindhoven. In addition to knowledge workers, many migrant workers from Eastern Europe are also coming to the region. Furthermore, refugees who have been granted a residence permit are also arriving every year.

Growing villages

Due to the economic rise of the Brainport region, the municipalities around Eindhoven are also on the rise. For example, Nuenen (+ 216), Best (+ 435), Waalre (+ 8), Veldhoven (+ 410) and Geldrop-Mierlo (+ 292) all gained inhabitants. Only Son en Breugel is shrinking a little, with 51 inhabitants.


According to the CBS, the Netherlands added more than 100,000 inhabitants last year. Migration is an important explanation for this increase. Due to the ageing population, more people are dying than babies are being born in more and more municipalities. In 2024, this will apply to two-thirds of municipalities.


Source: Studio040

For Eindhoven News: Lila Mehrez

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