Asylum seekers’ centre in Nuenen will open this autumn

Pic credit:Studio040 The location on the Pastoormast in Nuenen where the reception of 159 asylum seekers is to be located.

If everything goes according to plan, the first refugees will live in the new asylum seekers’ centre on the Pastoorsmast in Nuenen from next autumn. This is evident from agreements between the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) and the municipality

Where there is still an empty field, a service building with offices and a residential building for 159 refugees will soon be built. All permits are expected to be in place by the beginning of this year.


The COA and the municipality have made agreements about various matters. For example, the asylum reception is intended for five years, with the possibility of extending it for another five years. Furthermore, there will soon be regular consultations with local residents and agreements have been made about safety in and around the shelter.

Nuenen politicians have set aside half a ton for the development of activities that contribute to the quality of life around the asylum seekers’ centre (azc). RKSV Nuenen and Scouting Panta Rhei will receive part of this amount. Another part is for local residents. They must submit an application to the municipality for this themselves.


The municipality leases the site to the COA. After the closure of the asylum seekers’ centre, the piece of land must be restored to its original state. The site will soon no longer be usable as an off-leash dog area. The municipality is now looking at whether there are temporary alternatives for this.

Source: Studio040

Translated by: Kirti Singh

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