Eindhoven will not participate in discriminating surveys

The municipality of Eindhoven will not participate in any surveys about the values of people with a migration background. This is the college’s reply to council questions about a widely criticised motion recently adopted in the house of representatives.

The VVD motion asking the cabinet to investigate the cultural and religious values of Dutch citizens with a migration background caused a nationwide stir as it is said to be discriminatory.
This led local political parties GroenLinks and D66 to ask questions about said motion. They requested the college to speak out against surveys of this nature, in which assumptions are made about people with a migration background.
The college gives a positive answer to this question and says, yes, Eindhoven will refuse to participate in surveys where ‘the research question stems from preconceived notions about specific segments of the population’. “The municipality of Eindhoven will, should this be asked of them, decline any cooperation with surveys of this nature”, they say.

Article 1

The city government asserts that the motion ’causes strong feelings if alienation’. “This decision by the house of representatives has made Dutch citizens feel that their migrant background or religious orientation makes them suspect and mistrusted”.

“At a time of rising tensions in society this sends an extremely worrying signal”, says the city government. It also stresses it stands fair and square behind Article 1 of the constitution*.

Source: Studio040

Translated by Greta


All persons in the Netherlands shall be treated equally in equal circumstances. Discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, political opinion, race or sex or on any other grounds whatsoever shall not be permitted.

Source: https://www.europa-nu.nl/id/vgrnb2er8avw/artikel_1_gelijke_behandeling_en

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