Springplank responsible for establishing winter emergency shelter

Homeless shelter
Photo credit: Studio040

Springplank040 will be responsible for the winter emergency shelter in Eindhoven for the next four years. The organization was also responsible for the shelter in recent years.

The assignment given to Springplank is not a surprise, says director Thijs Eradus. “We needed an official European tender process as the assignment has grown much in recent times. We are happy that we got that tender, now we know where we stand for the next four years.”

That tender process had to happen because the winter emergency shelter in 2022 is much larger than in the years before corona. “Before corona, it was about ten to twenty people we had to take care of. During corona, the number of people who had to use the winter emergency shelter grew explosively,” says Eradus.

‘Arranging things differently’
“We are now dealing with a group of about 70 people using the shelter. Then you have to arrange things differently. We are happy that we now know where we stand for the next four years. We no longer have to look at ad hoc arrangements for the shelter.”

‘Involving local residents’
For the next two years, the shelter will be located in Meerhoven. The tender does not say that the winter emergency shelter will stay in Meerhoven for four years. “No nothing is known about that. But the tender does ensure that we can plan further ahead, it also makes it easier for us to involve local residents in our plans,” Eradus said.

Source: Studio040

Translation: Chaitali Sengupta. She also gives online INBURGERING classes.


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