The latest provisional results of the Eindhoven show: GroenLinks wins sharply. The VVD can lick its wounds to settle as the third-largest party. CDA gets to the second position by marginal gains.
With 95 per cent of the votes counted, GroenLinks is the big winner of the municipal elections. However, the loss of the VVD is unexpected. With 11.5 per cent, the party gets 3.3 per cent fewer votes. The CDA rose by 0.5 per cent to become the largest party after the GroenLinks.
GroenLinks previously announced that it wanted to form a progressive coalition. With 18.2 per cent of the vote – and 9 seats – the party can choose its partners. PvdA losing by 1.3 per cent has 10.9 per cent of the vote, and has managed to walk home with 5 seats. PvdA is an obvious coalition partner. D66 loses ground to settle with five seats.
Newcomers Volt and Party for the Animals get two seats each, Forum for Democracy opens its account. LPF loses one seat but remains on the council with one seat. DENK seems to lose seats while the ChristenUnie and the Piraten Party are not represented in the city council anymore. Elderly Appèl Eindhoven wins two seats, just like the SP. 50 Plus will retain its seat.

GroenLinks party leader Rik Thijs said earlier in the evening that he was very happy with the win. “We see that in Eindhoven, for the first time in history, people are really choosing a party that wants to do something about climate change.” Thijs is also happy with the votes for newcomers Volt and Party for the Animals. “It shows that Eindhoven residents want to tackle climate problems”, Thijs says.
Source: Studio040
For Eindhoven news: Beena Arunraj