At the end of September, Waterschap De Dommel (De Dommel Water Board) organised a real water measurement, together with the environmental organisation Earthwatch Europe. More than a hundred people participated.
In the ‘Waterblitz’, as the contest was called, a total of 108 ‘citizen scientists’ took 118 water samples from natural water in and around Eindhoven. 58 of those samples – 49 percent – showed good water quality. 59 other samples scored moderate quality. One sample, from the Wilhelminakanaal, showed poor water quality.
Ineke Barten, an ecologist at De Dommel Water Board, said she was happy with the results. “The Waterblitz is a wonderful event that has provided us with a nice dataset that you would not be able to collect otherwise. We are very pleased that we were able to involve many people in showing the importance of clean water in their vicinity.”
“De Dommel Water Board has done a lot over the past ten years to improve the water quality in Eindhoven,” they said. “For example, fish passages have been constructed and nature-friendly banks have been set up. The necessary measures have also been taken at RZWI Eindhoven (sewage treatment plant) to make the water that flows in the streams even purer,” according to the water board.
Source: Studio040
Translation: Hang Vu