Person submits 5240 complaints about airport

One person has complained 5240 times about Eindhoven Airport. That means that more than fourteen complaints a day came in from this unknown person. That is almost one for each hour during the opening hours of the airport.

In total there were 29,650 complaints. The 14 biggest complainers represent 59.8 percent of the complaints, with a total of 17,744 times in 2015. The complaints often come in on the website ‘’ (together informed).

There is an increase in the number of people complaining in the last few years. In 2012 there were around 375 complaints. This has now risen to 1108.

Most complaints come in on passenger/crew commercial flights. Most of these complaints are about the flights flying on Sundays according to the COVM , Commissie Overleg & Voorlichting Millieuhygiëne (Committee Consultation & Environmental Hygiene Awareness).

Translation: Usha Shankar

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