Eindhoven should have a strong lobby for a fast train to Germany. That is the opinion of a majority of the City Council.
Coalition parties D66, PvdA, GroenLinks and SP and opposition party BBL are asking the council to act quickly. The council should lobby together with the municipality of Venlo and the provinces of Limburg and Brabant at the Tweede Kamer (House of Representatives).
The Brainport region has wanted for some time now beter accessibility by road and rail to Germany. The doubling of tracks between Kaldenkirchen and Dülken is essential for the intercity connection. As far as the German government is concerned, the expansion will be at the earliest in 2030. For the coalition parties in Eindhoven this is far too late.
At the end of 2015 theTweede Kamer (House of Representatives) already called for for a faster train connection between Monchengladbach and Dusseldorf. The mayors of Eindhoven and of the German cities also called for this earlier this year. The mayors find the train connection of great economic importance.
Source: www.studio040.nl
Translation: Peter Marijnissen