The camera on Vestdijk, near the Albert Heijn supermarket, will remain active, for the time being. This definitely will be the case for the coming two months. However, it seems the police would rather have a permanent camera on that spot. This, according to Eindhoven’s Mayor Mr. van Gijzel.
The camera was placed four months ago, in order to reduce drug-related nuisance. It seems to be effective; the nuisance has been, indeed, reduced and shop owners in the area, feel safer than before. Furthermore, according to Mayor van Gijzel, the police receive less reports of drug-related problems in that area.
In order to maintain the status quo, the camera will remain active, for the time being. Furthermore, this will also prevent the return of drug-related nuisance and it will also enable to keep better control on drug traffic.
In January, the SNS Bank had closed its branch on the Vestdijk, due to drug-related nuisance.
Source: Studio040
Translation: Galit Diepens