Maxima Medisch Centrum in Eindhoven has opened a special unit for pelvis care, for patients with pain in, or illnesses of, the pelvic area.
MMC opens pelvic care unit
Problems dealt with include those with bladder, large intestine, genitals and pelvic muscles, causing difficulty in urinating or pain during intercourse.
This is the first pelvic care unit in the region. All the specialists involved, such as gynecologists, urologists and gastroenterologists, physiotherapists, psychologists and sexologists, work in close collaboration and share their knowledge.
Maxima Medisch Centrum hopes that this new approach will reduce waiting times for patients. The aim is to schedule all medical tests on one day, as far as is possible. The unit is open to patients of all ages.
More than a million people in the Netherlands suffer from problems in the pelvic area.
Source: Studio040
Translation: Lizzie Kean (LinkedIn)