Municipal Executive not investing in transport International School

For the time being, no improvement is planned for the bus transportation service to the International School. Thus, the status quo prevails.

This is the conclusion of the Municipal Executive Board of Mayor and Aldermen, following a research into the subject. An improvement would cost structurally 45,000 Euros and an additional 30,000 Euros will be required for investment in this project.

The research was done following a distress reaction by the students’ parents and by the students themselves, which had reached the attention of the politicians. The parents and students said that the school bus line 189 is insufficient. The bus rides once in the mornings and once in the afternoons. For the remainder of the day, students have to rely on the buses on the Anthony Fokkerweg, the closest bus stop is approximately 900 meters further. The parents find the situation dangerous, especially in the dark winter months.

It is yet unclear whether another solution will be put to use. The Municipal Executive Board suggests to use a "tailored solution"; this entails an investment from the school, from companies and from the parents. Presently, the school is closed due to the summer vacation.

Source: Studio040
Translated by: Galit Diepens

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