Number of asylum children on ‘Wereldwijzer’ growing fast

The number of asylum children on elementary school ‘Wereldwijzer’ at Calaislaan is growing explosively. On the first day of school yesterday, there were 46 new students. Director Ine van Kemenade expects the number to go up soon till 80.

Wednesday afternoon she will enrol a new group of children at the COA, the centre for asylum seekers. Especially in the younger age group, a new class of children will be added soon, she says. Currently, the students are divided into four groups.

With the number of new pupils growing also the number of nationalities will grow. Until now most children came from Syria and Eritrea, Van Kemenade expects children from Iraq, Iran, Libya and Afghanistan in the near future.

They will be taught in Dutch and about Dutch culture. Because there are age differences, there are also material differences, says Van Kemenade, but all the kids do learn the same way.

Wereldwijzer has got 24 years of experience when it comes to teaching children with different languages. On the main location of elementary school Wereldwijzer, around 250 children from 40 to 50 nationalities are accepted yearly since 24 years.

Source: Studio040

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