Rolf Rosenbrand, intensive care (IC) employee of the St. Anna Hospital in Geldrop, explains how intense it was for him in the corona department: “It was a very intense period, mainly because it was so insecure.”
The healthcare worker is proud that he and his team have managed to do such a good job. Rosenbrand: “Last week, when I made a tour of the patients in the nursing wards who have been in IC with us, I was really surprised. It is remarkable how quickly some people recovered after they had been ventilated for so long.”
The treatment of corona patients took off. Normally, people are in intensive care for up to a week, but patients with the virus are in the ward for up to four weeks. The family was only allowed to visit virtually. Rosenbrand communicated with the people via a tablet. “I found that the most difficult. You have to tell via a tablet how your grandfather, grandmother or father is on the ventilator.”
Source: Studio040
Translator: Dirk