Eindhoven citizens not mourning Mayor Jorritsma’s departure
John Jorritsma officially resigns his duties as Mayor of Eindhoven on Monday after six years. The city's residents are mostly relieved.
"I have never seen...
Unemployment in Eindhoven increases
Unemployment in Eindhoven increased dramatically last month. That’s according to UWV (Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen, or the Employee Insurance Agency).
At the end of March 2020, 3950...
State Secretary fails to intervene with ‘toxic trains’ in region
For years, far more trains carrying hazardous substances have been crossing the centre of Eindhoven than is permitted under the rules. In 2019, the...
Local party wants vacant retirement home rentals filled
The Ouderen Appel party has been notified that several unoccupied elderly rental homes are available in the Eindhoven region. These rental homes have been...
Leaked secret plan Togelreep worries swimmers
A secret plan about the swimming pool De Tongelreep, has come up on the internet on Wednesday. It has shocked the recreational swimmers. From...
Political parties positive about arrival of asylum seekers
Political parties in Son en Breugel DorpsVISIE (village vision), CDA (christian democrats) and PvdA-GroenLinks (labour party-green left party) are positive about the arrival of...
Dutch ease lockdown measures, masks mandatory on public transport
Tonight, Dutch Prime Minister Rutte presented a 'roadmap' containing the gradual phasing out of anti-corona measures.
"As fast as possible, but not faster than justified,"...
F16s for Ukraine: ‘Don’t know if that is a good move’
Ukrainian President Zelensky visited Eindhoven Airport on Sunday to see the F16s that the Netherlands has promised. Is that a smart move? There is...
SP: Foreigners stuck between the old and new Civic Integration exam rules
The rules for civic integration exam (Inburgeringsexam) are going to change soon. The socialist party of Eindhoven (SP) is afraid that the change may...
TU/e halts recruitment of foreign students until February
At the request of Minister Dijkgraaf, the TU/e will stop recruiting foreign students until February. The Minister made that call to the universities in...