Emergency meeting after heated debate about riots
Last night, opposition leaders in Eindhoven's city council met behind closed doors.
This emergency meeting was needed, according to various groups. It followed a debate...
Annual review – the year 2022
Rising prices, the reception of refugees from Ukraine, housing shortage, and growing social unrest but also many warm neighbourhood initiatives and people who want...
Van Abbe foundation wants car-free Wilhelminaplein
Wilhelminaplein must clearly distinguish itself from Clausplein and the yet-to-be-constructed Victoria Park. The square must fulfil a social and cultural function in the city.
‘Equipment must allow airport to operate in fog’
A solution must be found to the problems with fog at Eindhoven Airport. That is the VVD in the Dutch House of Commons' opinion.
Liberation parade to be revamped
JeAssociations marching along, veterans and army vehicles and dignitaries giving speeches. Such has been the format of the liberation parade in Eindhoven for about...
Teacher shortage looming; especially science and chemistry teachers
A shortage of teachers is becoming apparent in Eindhoven and the surrounding area. Martin van den Berg, director of Christiaan Huygens College is sounding...
Municipalities: ‘Nitrogen ruling is big setback for housing development in region’
Municipalities in the Eindhoven region are concerned about possible delays in housing construction, following the court's nitrogen ruling. "This is a big disappointment in...
45 politicians take oath in the new city council
"That I declare and promise." In the Eindhoven council chamber, this was declared numerous times on Wednesday night. 45 council members took an oath,...
Nuenen expects first asylum seekers in new shelter end 2023
If there are not too many objections from local residents and the negotiations with the Centraal Orgaan opvang Asielzoekers, (central agency for the reception...
Joy, a dog that fled from fireworks, found dead
Joy, the dog that fled from fireworks in early December, was found dead in the park.
This is what the owner reported, who had been...