6.2 C
Gemeente Eindhoven
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Extinction Rebellion Eindhoven Airport demonstration

Extinction Rebellion hopes for 500 protesters at Eindhoven Airport

Time is running out for the climate. That is why Extinction Rebellion will take action in Eindhoven this Saturday. This time at the airport,...
Extinction Rebellion Eindhoven Airport

Climate activists arrested at Eindhoven Airport are released

The more than hundred people who took part in an Extinction Rebellion action at Eindhoven Airport a year ago will not be prosecuted. The...
Opposition to permit to fell trees on Parklaan in Eindhoven

Opposition to a permit for felling trees on Parklaan

The Municipality of Eindhoven must withdraw the permit for felling large trees on Parklaan near the centre as soon as possible. This is stated...

Car mechanics fitted windows in Italy

Four car mechanics from Eindhoven couldn't stand the sight of stranded travellers in Italy. Storms there destroyed many cars, caravans and tents. The men...
Cadavers due to proliferating aquatic plants in the Gender

‘Dead animals causing proliferation of aquatic plants in De Gender’

Residents in the Hanevoet district want aquatic harvesting to be carried out on the river, De Gender. There are such large amounts of water...
Heat protocol PvdD Eindhoven

Animal party calls for Eindhoven heat protocol

There should be a local heat protocol in Eindhoven, when it comes to the maintenance of all greenery in the city. Political party Partij...
Berries and blackberries

Top time for berry and blackberry pickers

The weather is nice and the berries and blackberries are growing abundantly. A great time for wild pickers who want to go home with...

Eindhoven centrum to increase greenery

The Demer, Rechtestraat and Hooghuisstraat in the heart of Eindhoven are to receive new trees and greenery. This work will start early next year,...
Bygg Stadhuisplein architecture design

Bygg wins tender for Stadhuisplein renovation

The municipality of Eindhoven has awarded the development of Stadhuisplein to architectural firm Bygg Architecture & Design. The agency won partly thanks to the plan...