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Gemeente Eindhoven
Monday, October 7, 2024
Inburgeringsexam: tackling Writing paper

Inburgeringsexam: Tackling the Speaking paper

Today I’ll share some tips regarding the Spreken (Speaking) exam. In my last four articles of the series, I’ve talked about how to prepare...
Inburgeringsexam: tackling Writing paper

Inburgeringsexam: Tackling the Writing paper (Schrijven)

By now, if you’re following my series on the Civic integration exams (Inburgeringsexam), you already know that to be qualified for Dutch citizenship or...
Inburgering: Tackling KNM Paper

Inburgeringsexam: Tackling KNM paper

In the last two posts of the series, I’ve talked about the two papers Reading and Listening, that are part of your Civic integration...
Tackling Inburgering exam: Listening

Inburgeringsexam: Tackling Listening paper

As we discussed in our last article on tackling Inburgering exams, people coming from non-EU countries require taking the Inburgeringsexam (Civic Integration Exam), if...
Inburgerings exam

Inburgering exam: General questions and tackling the Reading paper

The Netherlands is famous for being the most English-speaking country in mainland Europe. This is a country where it is fabled that one can...

International book collection section opened at the Eindhoven library

On Saturday, May 21, Mayor Jorritsma, along with several different language communities and the children, festively opened the extensive International Children’s Book Collection in the Eindhoven...

Eindhoven’s students demand drastic changes to housing policy

Student organisation DAS has submitted a formal letter requesting a complete overhaul of the city's housing policy. The emphasis is on communal living, better...

D66-Creating opportunities from challenges-#Eindhoven elections

D66 has always strived for an inclusive and lively city. A city where everybody feels welcome and free to be themselves. We want Eindhoven...

‘Grow along with everyone’- PvdA #Eindhoven elections

Great vision and ambition go hand in hand with Eindhoven. We envision a city that turns growth into opportunities for all its citizens. For...

Fair, sustainable and international Eindhoven-GroenLinks #Eindhoven elections

We stand for a fair, sustainable and progressive Eindhoven. The consequences of the climate crisis are already evident. It is impossible to find an...

Glass classroom in downtown opened

Hbo and mbo students from the Design Academy and SintLucas will take classes together in The Glassroom, a glass classroom in the Heuvel in...