Last train to Eindhoven to depart an hour earlier

From mid-December, there will be no more night trains between the Randstad (Amsterdam, The Hague etc) and Eindhoven. The last train will leave at 01:00h and then head south.

Currently on the on weekends there are trains until 04:00 hrs driving to the south. That would scheduled to stop, as was announced earlier. The province and the municipality of Eindhoven, however, hoped that the trains would run until 02:00 hrs but that doesn’t seem likely.

The NS does not believe that it is profitable in the hours between 01:00 h and 02:00 hrs to run the night trains. There are simply too few people in the train. Only if the province and the municipality agree to pay extra, night trains can still be run they said.

They have been looking at night buses as an alternative to trains, but the plans are still unclear.

Source: Studio040
Translation: Aditi Chatterji

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